In mature mangroves, it is difficult to locate any remnant of the encasement due to shoreline accretion and overgrowth by the tree. The encasement in this photo, at the time of planting, measured approximately 1 meter in length above the planting elevation but now only a few inches of the encasement extend above the resulting shoreline accretion.
Note the size of the mangrove aerial roots which are able to dissipate wave energy and continue to trap sediments. The shoreline has been stabilized and is now protected by the mangroves, removing the need to harden the shoreline with bulkhead or riprap. Mature trees, such as this one, also provide nursery grounds for invertebrates and
fish, and critical habitat for a birds and terrestrial animals.
These mangroves planted with Riley Encased Methodology stabilized the shoreline during the Florida 2004 and 2005 Hurricane seasons, which included Hurricanes Jeanne, Frances and Wilma (category 2 and 3 storms) and will continue to provide shoreline protection during future storms.